
GESINE Frauenberatung EN (Women counseling center)

The Women’s Counseling Center offers advice, information and support for women in difficult life situations

We are available by phone: Monday to Friday 9 -11 a.m.
and Tuesday and Thursday 14 – 16 p.m



GESINE Intervention

is a social enterprise to combat gender based violence, to save women´s and children´s lifes and wellbeing, to improve professional response to gbv and to enhance public awareness.

For over 30 years we have been campaigning for a self-determined life for women. This includes supporting women and men in shaping their friendship, love, work and family relationships in an appreciative and non-violent way.

We are convinced that everyone can become active in their own personal, professional and political environment. For an end to violence, sexism and all forms of discrimination and oppression.

Our goal is to give people – regardless of gender, origin or way of life – the chance to live a non-violent and dignified life from birth.

The Frauenberatung.EN

has been advising and assisting women of all nationalities and confessions for more than 20 years. We offer advisory services and give women counseling when they are in critical, difficult life situations involving violence, relationship problems as well as about separation and divorce. Relating to the subject of violence Women experience violence everywhere in the world. Women experience violence in the family, from their partners or from strangers. Violence against women is a violation of human rights and in Germany it is a criminal offence!

All the following is violence:

Physical violence is when you:

  •  are beaten, kicked, strangled, pushed
  •  are injured by a weapon or an object
  • are forced to have female genital mutilation carried out

Sexualised violence is when you:

  • are raped / are forced to have sex
  • are sexually harassed (groped against your own will)
  • are forced into prostitution

Psychological violence is when you:

  • are insulted, abused, shouted at
  • are controlled, continuously observed
  • are not free to make your own decisions (e.g. to go out of the house)
  • are threatened (e.g. that you will be murdered if you want a separation, lose your right of residence, your children will be taken away from you)
  • are married against your own will

Many women do not talk about their experiences: They are afraid and feel ashamed. Don’t stay alone with your experiences! Make an appointment with the Frauenberatung.EN . You can talk about your worries and fears here. We will inform you about your rights and how you can protect yourself from further violence.
Only women work at the Frauenberatung (= Women’s Advisory Service). The female employees are bound to an oath of secrecy. That means you can talk to us about everything and we will not tell anybody else what you have told us! The advisory service is free of charge.

The path leading to the Frauenberatung.EN (Women’s Advisory Service EN):

Phone us or send us an email to make an appointment. If you only speak a little or no German or English, have someone you trust make the phone call for you.
The female advisor will then look for a female interpreter who can translate the discussion.

The Frauenberatung.EN has offices in 3 locations:

58332 Schwelm, Markgrafenstr.6 , 02336 475 90 91                                  

58452 Witten,  Augustatr.47,  02302 52 5 96    

45525 Hattingen, Talstr. 8, 02324 38093050

E-Mail: info@frauenberatung-en.de

 Assistance in an Emergency

Ask for help! Get in touch with a person you trust, e.g. a female social worker, the caretaker, a female neighbour,…
If you are in danger and in need of immediate protection you can also phone the police: Telephone 110
The police can for instance make sure that your husband/partner has to leave the flat/the refugee accommodation for 10 days.

Women’s Shelters
If you want, the police can take you to a women’s shelter. Women’s shelters are special homes which offer women and their children protection. Only women work and live there. The address is kept secret.
You can also phone your local women’s shelter yourself: 02339 –  6292
On the telephone it will be explained to you how you can get into the women’s shelter.

 Your rights in the case of violence
Regardless of their country of origin and residency status, women in Germany have the right to file an application in accordance with the Protection against Violence Act (Paragraph 1, Paragraph 2 GewSchG (= German Protection against Violence Act)).The court can prohibit your husband / partner:

  • from coming back into the flat
  • from approaching you
  • from contacting you per telephone, text message, WhatsApp, etc.

The Frauenberatung.EN can advise you about this.

Further legal information:

There is a national “Help Line” for women experiencing violence. You can get information about this on the telephone. The female advisors can summon an English speaking female interpreter. The phone line is accessible day and night! Call 08000 116 016